An invisible thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, space, and circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break.”

— Old Chinese proverb

How do you sustain yourself when your partner dies? How do you continue to wake each day?

My answer has been to continue my relationship with Bobby in the way that allows me to actively grieve and share myself with him. I write, and I share him with others, as I do now in my second memoir, Dear Bobby: My Grief Journey. It is my hope and desire that you each find comfort in my journey, learn that you are not alone, test some tools used in this book, and discover a new relationship with your loved one.

In Dear Bobby, Diane Papalia Zappa describes the loss of her beloved husband after three short years of marriage. She talks about her own grieving process, and outlines ways that can help others cope. The centerpiece of this book is a collection of several “Dear Bobby” letters that helped Diane process her grief, and reestablish her relationship with her husband.  She offers several writing prompts, to encourage readers to begin their own writing journey. Diane also includes a helpful selection of resources—books about death, grief, and the afterlife; films with afterlife themes; and support groups for those who are grieving.

Learn more about my writing process and a few sample letters in this essay for

What people are saying about Dear Bobby

Diane’s first memoir, The Married Widow: My Journey with Bob Zappa is where she first opens up about her relationship with Bob and the love they shared.

Diane Papalia’s world was turned upside down when she met Bob Zappa, “the man with the chocolate brown eyes,” in 1986. They were immediately drawn to each other. Over the course of 27 years, their stars would cross again and again, but it was complicated for them to be together. It wasn’t until 2013 that Diane and Bob were free to commit to being together. This is Diane’s story about their journey across those years, and how their love endured. The Married Widow is a poignant look at a beautiful love story between two people who waited years to finally be together.